Earlier this month, I shared my vision for seeing long-time AAF friend Kerri honoured through the rebuilding of the Zamimpilo kitchen (Read it here). The story resonated with many of you, and we have wasted no time in putting your generous donations to work to bring this bold vision to life. We believe this revived space will fill many hungry bellies, and empower many mummas and grandmothers to be self-sustaining.

It’s not too late to be part of this story! All donations over $2 are tax deductible, and any amount, small or large, is greatly appreciated. 

We at the AAF are looking into 2022 with a fresh sense of hope and purpose. The world landscape is changing, and with it, the needs of the most vulnerable communities we serve in Africa increase. The AAF is committed to serving the least of these, one life at a time, and we can only do this with your faithful and generous support. 

We wish you all a very blessed, and healthy, 2022. 

Jane Gray

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