Dear Friends,

As the founder of the African AIDS Foundation I frequently find myself reminiscing on the work we have done to combat HIV/AIDS over the years. Now, 20 years after we started, I am frequently asked about the current situation in Africa and the need for our work in the current climate.

Today, 20% of South Africa’s adult population is infected with HIV and there are 240,000 new infections yearly.

There has been the wholesale destruction of family structure which has resulted in many deficiencies in the education and social development of a whole generation of young people.

The result is an environment that makes it very difficult for young people to grow up and receive a good education as well as becoming caring, compassionate adults.

AAF has been active in helping in this situation for more than 20 years.

There are 3.5 million orphans in South Africa and an estimated 

9 million children grow up without functional fathers.

We have seen lives transformed and many have been helped to receive an education up to and including university degrees.

South African life expectancy is now 64. This is 20 years less than in Australia.

We have a group of special African people who have a deep desire to continue to help deprived young people to know what is really important in life.

Your support allows AAF to continue working with these people who are wonderful role models for young Africans and they teach essential life skills to young people.

With your support we are able to teach youth a wide variety of life skills that open doors to educational and employment opportunities as well as improve their dietary and health outlook.

At the time of writing,


including 1 Million in the USA, 100,000 in South Africa & 8,600 in Australia



Including 8 million in South Africa 

— 70,000 this year alone — 

We continue to value the generosity of people who support this important work
John Schwarz

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