As the fear of covid lurks in the backs of minds, a new normal life in Africa has birthed.

Whilst our Australian borders seal us into safety we breath and move in our own relatively comfortable new norm. We collectively shudder as we hope and pray for global resolution – or a closure to this pandemic as we lurch towards vaccines and cures so the world can open up again.

As the Covid monster prowls the villages, mud huts and marketplaces in which our AAF team dwell, there is joyous celebration that schools have re-opened.

An open school in Africa doesn’t simply mean education. To our children (for whom no internet has existed for online learning) school means so much more, including:n open school in Africa doesn’t simply mean education. To our children (for whom no internet has existed for online learning) school means so much more, including:

– A hot meal for lunch in an otherwise empty belly.
– A jumper provided to warm chilled, windswept limbs.
– A safe place to grow, shelter and process trauma.
– A class soccer ball in a life with no personal belongings.
– A hope of a brighter future – Breaking the poverty cycle with chalk, a blackboard and a teacher.

Our committed board of volunteers in South Africa send us daily updates in regard to our team activity. We are so thankful to friends such as Julia, whose family’s involvement with our foundations work reach as far back as 1975.

AAF continues to stand tall throughout this pandemic. We remain, providing hope and a future to otherwise unreached children impacted by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, complicated by Tuberculosis and accentuated by Covid-19.
As we head towards the second half of 2021 we ask that you continue to support our life changing projects in Africa.

With warm regards,

Jane Gray

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