“gogo (plural: gogos)(South Africa) Grandmother; elderly woman.”
Meet Aunty Ellen. Known for her kind, loving and joyful nature, Ellen is one of our much-loved Gogos.

In her 80s, she is the sole carer for 7 young orphans. Below, her hands clutch 7 little knitted beanies to warm each of their heads from another harsh winter in their rural mud hut, without electricity. As one of the much-loved Gogo’s in our AAF community, Ellen’s smile radiates hope and life to all she meets.

Thank you to our generous supporters who have empowered AAF to stand with Aunty Ellen and our many Gogos. As Jane recently noted in her newsletter. (Click here to read)
As a supporter of our work you are placing your own generous hand under the warm elbow of one of our Gogos and lifting her to her aching feet. On her feet, she will know best how to do the work of saving her own family… Long live the warm hug and hope in our countless Gogos